Mobile App Design

Let’s transform your business idea into a great digital experience!

A great app starts with a killer strategy

I offer comprehensive support, from validating your initial concept to creating the first prototypes, testing with clients, finalizing design, and implementing the app.

With my guidance, your project will be successfully executed from inception to launch.

Designing your app in simple steps


UX Research

After understanding your goals and users, I help you brainstorm innovative ideas to create a solid concept for your app that will help users solve their problems


UX Strategy

To craft a seamless user journey within your app, I assist in developing a robust user experience strategy. This strategy guarantees that your users can effortlessly achieve their goals through your app in the most efficient and user-friendly way


UI Design

Focusing on creating intuitive and user-friendly products, I design simple interactions and carefully select visual assets to ensure your app is not only visually appealing but also easy to navigate, enhancing your users' experience



To validate and refine your app concept, I develop interactive prototypes for user testing.With interactive prototypes, your users will be able to see your app and provide feedback before even writing a single line of code


Usability Testing

By conducting user testing sessions with the initial prototypes, we can gather valuable feedback to refine and enhance your app, ensuring optimal comprehension and adoption by your users


Support with implementation

I foster seamless collaboration with development teams to facilitate a smooth transition from design to development, to bring your app to life in the most effective way

A partner you can trust

A trusted partner

I dive into your project and align with you to understand the business goals to help you create a strong strategy for a successful application

Continuous value

I focus on delivering value. A strategy oriented on a lean model to build and test ideas as soon as possible, removing extra work or unnecessary tasks and focusing on delivering results


I seamlessly integrate with product and development teams, ensuring a smooth and great execution of your app

Selected work


Empowering the veggie comunity


Supporting new moms to thrive


Accesible healthcare solutions
Juliana Díaz González - UX Designer
Let's talk!

Book a strategy call with me, and let's discuss your project ideas and needs to turn them into reality!