MKS PAMP Switzerland

Elevating the trading experience

MKS PAMP Switzerland

Coming soon


MKS PAMP Switzerland is a global leader in the precious metals industry, offering both physical products and online trading services. They approached me with the challenge of redesigning their outdated trading app to attract new customers and enhance their service offerings. I had the pleasure of collaborating with the company on this exciting project. Together, we developed a new trading app that significantly improved the overall user experience and provided better service to their customers.

The new design not only made the app more visually appealing and user-friendly but also incorporated new features that offered users a more comprehensive and efficient trading experience.


UX Strategy
User Research
Lead Product Design
App Design

The team

1 Product Designer
1 Project Manager
1 Android Developer
1 iOS Developer


20 weeks

Elevating the trading experience

The Process


🔍 Understanding our users’ needs

Through user interviews, we gained detailed insights into their concerns and the issues they were experiencing with the current app. This process allowed us to understand their needs more clearly and identify which needs were not being met by the current app. After these discussions, we compiled the main feedback and requirements from the users:

  • Traders need to operate quickly and easily with the application, as markets are constantly moving and they cannot afford to waste time
  • To facilitate fast operation, the process should be simple, allowing users to find everything they need and complete their trades effortlessly
  • Since each user deals with different precious metals, the process should be customizable. This means each trader should be able to personalize the products they want to trade to ensure the fastest possible operation
User's needs and pain points

📝 Evaluating the previous app design

As part of the app redesign process, we evaluated the existing app and analyzed its overall user experience and usability by conducting a UX audit. This audit allowed us to identify key issues and necessary improvements, including:

  • Enhancing visual hierarchyImproving color contrast and overall accessibility
  • Addressing usability inconsistencies and reducing time-consuming processes
Previos app design


🤳 Defining success for trading operations

With insights from users and feedback on the current app, we developed a strategy to create an app that enhances the trading experience with MKS products. Our goal was to deliver a great user experience while also adding value to the company. We focused on building an app that enables users to perform key operations efficiently:

  • Fast trading experience: Execute quick deals or orders instantly
  • Orders update: Easily update active orders
  • Operations fast view: Access a section with all completed operations, featuring filters and integrated quick actions
  • Personalization: Customize views with currency pairs based on users' trading needs
App map and wireframes

🔧 Building a strong design foundation

App styleguide and components


📊 Trading made easier

Throughout the app design process, we consistently validated our proposed solutions with users and stakeholders, integrating their feedback from the early stages. After developing the visual design and main prototypes, we conducted video call tests with traders to validate key functionalities. These activities included:

  • Finding products in the product list
  • Placing a "Quick Deal"
  • Placing a Resting Order
  • Updating an existing order
  • Personalizing the product view

This testing identified issues such as the placement of elements and the visibility of key icons. To address these, we introduced a floating menu with main actions in relevant sections.

With these changes, we iterated with users and received positive feedback and validation before moving to the implementation phase. 
The final result is a simple, intuitive app that enables users to trade with MKS easily and enjoyably.

Login and Onboarding
Operations and Notifications
Account and Configuration

🫰 The results

Usability Improvements: Users reported a significant impact from the usability improvements in the new design, enabling them to operate the application more effectively

Easier and Faster: Traders can now operate three times faster than before, thanks to simpler trading options and a more streamlined process.

User Increase: The app's user base increased by 20%, with previous customers using the app more frequently.

Juliana Díaz González - UX Designer
Let's talk!

Book a strategy call with me, and let's discuss your project ideas and needs to turn them into reality!